Participant Fact Sheets for Behaviour Support

The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission) has created fact sheets about behaviour support. They have been written with, and for, NDIS participants using Plain English.

How to use them 

The fact sheets can help you to understand more about positive behaviour support and your rights. They explain what providers are meant to do. This will help you to make decisions about providers.

It is a good idea to read them in order. Start with What is positive behaviour support, followed by Understanding your rights, and so on.

You can also go straight to the fact sheet that interests you.

Introductory Video - Participant Fact Sheets for Behaviour Support:

More information 

Each fact sheet includes links to more information. 

If you have questions you can contact the NDIS Commission.

Participant fact sheets

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This fact sheet explains what positive behaviour support is and how it can help you.

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This easy read fact sheet explains what positive behaviour support is and how it can help you.

This fact sheet explains some of your rights when receiving specialist behaviour support services. Specialist behaviour support is the name given to providers who do positive behaviour support in the NDIS.

This easy read fact sheet explains some of your rights when receiving specialist behaviour support services.

This fact sheet explains how you can find a specialist behaviour support provider and choose the one that’s right for you.

This easy read fact sheet explains how you can find a specialist behaviour support provider and choose the one that’s right for you.

This fact sheet explains the top ten things to expect from good quality specialist behaviour support.

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This easy read fact sheet explains the top ten things to expect from good quality specialist behaviour support.

This fact sheet explains what to do if you are not happy with the supports and services received from your specialist behaviour support provider.

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This easy read fact sheet explains what to do if you are not happy with the supports and services received from your specialist behaviour support provider.

Participant fact sheet 6: What to expect if your provider uses restrictive practices

Easy Read: Participant fact sheet 6: What to expect if your provider uses restrictive practices