
Make it known, make it better resources

NDIS participants have the right to be safe and to receive quality services from the providers and workers they choose to support them under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

We have developed a series of videos to empower people with disability, or their support networks, to raise a concern or complaint if they are not happy with the quality or safety of their NDIS supports or services. Corresponding posters are also available for download.

Raising a concern or complaint is important - it can help NDIS providers and workers understand what is important to people with disability and improve the quality of their services, so a complaint can help other people too.

Because when you make it known, you make it better.

The video scenarios are based on the NDIS Code of Conduct and were co-designed, tested with, and feature NDIS participants, their families, providers and workers. Accessible versions are available in Auslan, 17 languages and for First Nations peoples and LGBTQIA+ communities.

‘Make it known, make it better’ video resources

Establishing the NDIS Code of Conduct

Acting with respect for individual rights

Acting with respect for individual rights – LGBQTI+ communities

Respecting privacy

Providing supports and services in a safe and competent manner

Acting with integrity, honesty and transparency

Taking steps to raise and act on concerns around quality and safety supports

Taking steps to prevent and respond to all forms of violence, exploitation, neglect and abuse

Preventing and responding to sexual misconduct

Making a Complaint

Making a Complaint – First Nations peoples