NDIS Workforce Capability Framework
The NDIS Commission has developed the NDIS Workforce Capability Framework (the Framework) to support delivery of quality disability services across Australia. It translates the NDIS Practice Standards and Code of Conduct into observable behaviours that service providers and workers should demonstrate when delivering services to people with disability.
The Framework was developed in consultation with participants, workers, supervisors, providers and experts across Australia. It describes the core capabilities that workers need to deliver services and supports. It also describes a range of additional capabilities needed when working with participants whose support needs require specialised knowledge and/or skills.
The Framework is written from the point of view of the participant.
The Framework was developed in consultation with participants, workers, supervisors, providers and experts across Australia.
The Framework capabilities describe the way work is done and the knowledge workers and providers should have, from the point of view of an NDIS participant. This gives providers the basis for planning and managing the workforce in a way that is suited to different participant needs and contexts. Its use is recommended but not mandatory.
Accessible resources have been developed, including Easy Read, Auslan, community languages, animation explainer videos and resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.