What is an independent disability advocate?
An independent disability advocate is a person who:
- is independent of the Agency, the Commission and any NDIS providers providing supports or services to the person with disability
- provides independent advocacy for the person with disability, to assist the person with disability to exercise choice and control and to have their voice heard in matters that affect them
- acts at the direction of the person with disability, reflecting the person with disability’s expressed wishes, will, preferences and rights
- is free of relevant conflicts of interest.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 Act acknowledges the important role of advocates (including independent advocates) and other representatives of persons with disability; and requires registered NDIS providers to cooperate with, and facilitate arrangements for, advocates (including independent advocates) and other representatives of persons with disability who are affected by complaints or incidents and who wish to be independently supported in that process by an advocate or other representative.
How a disability advocate could help you
You may choose to have an independent disability advocate speak, act or write on your behalf. It is their job to assist you to exercise choice and control and to have your voice heard in matters that affect you.
You may also choose to use an independent disability advocate when you make a complaint.
How can I find an advocate
You can find an advocate using the Disability Advocacy Finder. Please note that you cannot access the Disability Advocacy Finder using an Internet Explorer browser. Compatible browsers include Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.