Australian Capital Territory

Map of Australian Capital Territory

From 1 July 2019, the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission started managing quality and safeguards in the Australian Capital Territory.

Our office is located at:
Level 4, 64 Northbourne Avenue
Civic ACT 2601​​

Past provider information sessions

In April and June 2019, the NDIS Commission held introductory information sessions in the Australian Capital Territory.

Watch the video recording of the June 2019 webinar

Provider Information Sessions 2019: Q&A Compendium

View the June 2019 introductory information session presentation slides

Watch the video recording of the April 2019 Canberra introductory information session

View the April 2019 introductory information session presentation slides

Provider Information Sessions 2019: Behaviour Support Q&A Compendium

More information

Links for Australian Capital Territory

ACT Human Rights Commission

Telephone: 02 6205 2222

ACT Office for Disability

General Disability Enquiries: (02) 6207 1086
Website: Disability - Community Services (

Australian Capital Territory Office of Fair Trading

Telephone: 13 22 81 – Access Canberra

Commonwealth Ombudsman

Telephone: 1300 362 072

ACT Ombudsman

General phone: 02 6276 3773
Indigenous Line: 1800 060 789
Website: ACT Ombudsman

Quality, Complaints and Regulation – Community Services Directorate

Telephone: 02 6207 5474

Worksafe ACT

General phone: 02 6276 3773
Telephone: 13 22 81
Website: Home - WorkSafe ACT

Related resources

Between March and June 2019, the NDIS Commission held a series of information sessions for NDIS providers in the five states and territories that transitioned from 1 July – the Australian Capital Territory, Northern Territory, Queensland, Tasmania and Victoria.

This document is a compendium containing the most common questions and answers from these sessions, grouped into the following categories:

  • Reportable incidents
  • Complaints
  • Worker screening
  • Market oversight
  • Registration.

You can find more information on these information sessions, including video recordings and presentation slides, by visiting the NDIS Commission start dates page and clicking on your state or territory.

In June 2019, the NDIS Commission and the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) held a series of information sessions in the states and territories that transitioned to the NDIS Commission from 1 July: the Australian Capital Territory, Northern Territory, Queensland, Tasmania and Victoria. The documents on this page give an outline of the sessions, which covered topics including NDIS Provider Responsibilities and Behaviour Support, Complaints and Reportable Incidents.

For those who could not attend the information sessions in person, the NDIS Commission held a webinar.

Watch the video recording of the June 2019 webinar

You can download a transcript of the webinar via the link in the grey box on the right.

In March and April 2019, the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission hosted information sessions in each of the five states and territories transitioning to the NDIS Commission from 1 July: the Australian Capital Territory, Northern Territory, Queensland, Tasmania and Victoria.

The following documents give an outline of the sessions, which introduced and provided an overview of the role and function of the NDIS Commission, outlined the new quality and safeguarding arrangements, and the process for registering as an NDIS provider. There was also a question and answer segment.

You can view the video recording of the presentation your state or territory by clicking on the links below.

In June 2019, the NDIS Commission held a series of information sessions for NDIS providers in the five states and territories that transitioned from 1 July – the Australian Capital Territory, Northern Territory, Queensland, Tasmania and Victoria.

This document is a compendium containing the most common questions and answers from these sessions, in relation to behaviour support.

You can find more information on these information sessions, including video recordings and presentation slides, by visiting the NDIS Commission start dates page and clicking on your state or territory.

An information letter was sent from the NDIS Commissioner Designate to all NDIS registered providers in VIC, QLD, TAS, ACT and NT on 12 June 2019 outlining key information about the transfer of registrations.

An information letter was sent from the NDIS Commissioner Designate to all NDIS registered providers in VIC, QLD, TAS, ACT and NT on 12 June 2019 outlining key information about the transfer of registrations.

An introductory letter was sent from the NDIS Commissioner Designate to all NDIS registered providers in VIC, QLD, TAS, ACT and NT on 8 May 2019 outlining key information about the new Commission and registration requirements.

An introductory letter was sent from the NDIS Commissioner Designate to all NDIS registered providers in VIC, QLD, TAS, ACT and NT on 8 May 2019 outlining key information about the new NDIS Commission and registration requirements.