Fair pricing

What is fair pricing?

Fair pricing is when there is no major price difference between the cost of a product or service for an NDIS participant compared to other customers.

If a provider sets a higher price for NDIS participants and cannot justify the price difference, they may be in breach of the Code of Conduct and could face penalties. The Code of Conduct now includes rules about price differentiation.

The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission respects the rights of participants to choose the products and services they need, and understands that convenience, quality and availability may be considered when choosing providers.

Learn about fair pricing in the Easy Read fact sheet, accessible version can be found in resources section below. 

What can participants do?

If you think you’re being overcharged by a provider, take these steps:

  1. Do a price check: Go online and search for the same or similar products.
  2. Check your service agreement: Make sure you've received everything listed in the written agreement. If you do not have this document, or it's out of date, ask your provider for a copy.
  3. Talk to your provider: If you’re comfortable speaking with your provider, ask them to explain any price differences – they should be able to give you reasons.
  4. Contact the NDIS Commission: If you cannot resolve the issue with your provider, email pricehelp@ndiscommission.gov.au

Who to contact

Overcharged for NDIS goods or services

Email pricehelp@ndiscommission.gov.au

Unsafe or poor-quality NDIS supports or services

Make a complaint online or call 1800 035 544 (TTY 133 677)

NDIS plans or access to the scheme

Contact the NDIA online or call 1800 800 110
This includes complaints about your NDIS plan manager.

Other complaints about goods and services

We encourage you to report conduct to the ACCC when you think you have:

  • been misled or deceived by a provider or business
  • paid for goods or services and not received them
  • been pressured into signing a service agreement or other contract that has unfair terms
  • bought goods  that are faulty, don’t match the description, or don’t do what the seller said they would
  • bought services that were provided late or not at all, or which do not meet the needs you communicated.

You can learn more about your rights when buying products and services on ACCC website.

Provider obligations

We expect all registered and unregistered providers to act with honesty, integrity and transparency when pricing their products and services for NDIS participants.

You must be able to justify your pricing. If you think you may be charging too much, review your pricing and adjust it.

Penalties apply if the Commission believes providers are breaching the Code of Conduct.

If you suspect another provider is overcharging, you can report it to the Commission by emailing pricehelp@ndiscommission.gov.au

Video stories

Lynn shares her experiences on NDIS providers and how she addressed the problems.

Christian shares how he navigated prices as an NDIS participant.

Christian shares his NDIS pricing experience.


The NDIS Code of Conduct, Guidance for NDIS Workers

The NDIS Code of Conduct, Guidance for NDIS Providers

Fair Pricing fact sheet - Easy read