The Australian Government released its Regulator Performance Framework (the Framework) in October 2014. The NDIS Commission’s obligations to report against the Framework’s six key performance indicators (KPIs) began following its first financial year of operation in 2018-19.
The Framework aimed to improve regulator performance and assist an efficient, accountable and effective regulatory environment, to the benefit of regulated entities and ultimately the Australian public relying on those entities’ services.
The Framework’s KPIs were:
- Regulators do not unnecessarily impede the efficient operation of regulated entities.
- Communication with regulated entities is clear, targeted and effective.
- Actions undertaken by regulators are proportionate to the regulatory risk being managed.
- Compliance and monitoring approaches are streamlined and coordinated.
- Regulators are open and transparent in their dealings with regulated entities.
- Regulators actively contribute to the continuous improvement of regulatory frameworks.
As required by the Framework, the NDIS Commission was tasked to provide a self-assessment report against the KPIs after each reporting period, to provide the responsible Minister, stakeholders and the community with information regarding our regulatory performance in the past financial year.
Read the NDIS Commission Regulator Performance Framework Self-Assessment 2018-19.
Read the NDIS Commission Regulator Performance Framework Self-Assessment 2019-20.
Read the NDIS Commission Regulator Performance Framework Self-Assessment 2020-21.
Regulator guidance was streamlined in 2021, with the new Regulator Performance Guide taking effect from 1 July, replacing the Framework. From 2021–22 onwards, performance against regulator KPIs will be reflected as part of the Commission’s Annual Performance Statements, published in our Annual Report.