
Appointment of the Hon Jennifer Boland AM to conduct an Independent Review into matters related to Irabina / Aruma.

Continued emergence of additional information about a service formerly operated by Irabina, now under Aruma corporate arrangements, has come to the attention of the NDIS Commission. The information includes but is not limited to reportable incidents, complaints, restrictive and prohibited practices.

Given the serious nature of the Irabina matter, the NDIS Commissioner has appointed an eminent former Judge, Hon Jennifer Boland AM, to conduct an Independent Review.

Ms Boland is a former Family Court Judge, Deputy President of the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) and was an Acting Judge of the District Court of NSW and head of the Occupational Division of NCAT from 2014 to 2018.  She is currently a part-time Deputy President of the NSW Mental Health Review Tribunal.

The Boland Independent Review commenced on 16 October 2023 and the Report is due for finalisation on 31 December 2023 with the possibility of an extension of up to 2 months, dependent on the advice of Ms Boland (Review Scope). Upon completion of the review, the Commissioner will give due consideration to its findings and recommendations to inform regulatory responses with regard to Irabina and other matters. In doing so, the Commissioner will also have regard to ensuring that any communication about the review outcome is done in compliance with the Commission’s obligations under the NDIS Act.

While the Boland Review is underway, the NDIS Commission will continue to regulate providers through its reportable incident, behaviour support, complaints and compliance functions. This includes continuing to take action relating to the use of any unauthorised restrictive practices at Aruma and other implementing Providers.

Targeted compliance activities focussing on restrictive practices have been underway since mid-year, aligned with the significant budget uplift received by the NDIS Commission.

Visit the NDIS Commission compliance and enforcement register for details of actions taken.  Also see recent media releases about recent action here .

All NDIS Participants and their families are reminded that anyone, anytime can make a complaint about supports or services. Earlier this year, the NDIS Commission expanded the scope of complaints it works to resolve. If you have new information in connection with a previous complaint, please contact the NDIS Commission at 1800 035 544 or


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