Data and Digital Roadmap

The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission’s (the Commission) data and digital environment is a key enabler of the Commission’s purpose and vision. Our Data and Digital Roadmap will enable informed decision making in relation to ICT investment, and its delivery will support the Commission’s maturity as a regulator. The Data and Digital Roadmap aligns with our 2022-2027 Strategic Plan

The Pillars of our Data and Digital Roadmap

The Roadmap’s five pillars are the core of the Data and Digital Roadmap and drive outcomes for our stakeholders. The pillars are:

  1. Positive participant and provider experiences
  2. Digital leadership and agility
  3. Robust data governance
  4. Insight and intelligence capability
  5. Empowered Commission staff

Workstream Improvements

The Data and Digital pillars are implemented through specific changes to the Commission’s data and digital capability, which will deliver significant improvements across six primary areas:

  1. Modernise core systems (including improved participant outcomes through enhanced risk identification and improved productivity)
  2. Data and intelligence (including improved identification and response to both immediate and systemic risk)
  3. External Interfaces (for example, less time spent on obtaining external information)
  4. Accessibility (seamless interaction between participants and the Commission, and improved participant experience and trust in Commission)
  5. Optimised Processes (improved operational efficiency, freeing up capacity to allow more considered approaches)
  6. IT operating model (solutions developed are fit-for-purpose and tools support Commission operations)

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission Data and Digital Roadmap downloads

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