7. Supplementary compliance requirements (Residential Aged Care Toolkit)

7.1 Implementing Behaviour Support Plans

Some NDIS participants in RAC facilities may need support with managing their behaviour, and may be subject to a regulated restrictive practice, e.g. a chemical restraint (medication specifically prescribed to modify a person’s behaviour, other than a mental illness) or an environmental restraint (such as locked doors).

All NDIS providers implementing regulated restrictive practices must comply with supplementary Module 2a in the NDIS Practice Standards.

As an ‘implementing provider’ providers will also need to comply with the NDIS (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018. The NDIS Commission has developed a flowchart for RAC providers to help identify if these Rules apply: Residential aged care providers: Behaviour support and restrictive practice requirements.

The role of NDIS providers as an implementing provider is summarised below.

Role of NDIS provider 1. Behaviour support plan development 2. Implementation and support 3. Monitoring and reporting 4. Behaviour support evaluation and review
  • A behaviour support specialist provider gathers information for the functional behaviour assessment.
  • RAC providers collaborate with specialist behaviour support providers to develop the participant's behaviour support plan. 
  • RAC providers obtain authorisation for the use of restrictive practices from the state/territory, when required.
  • RAC providers use regulated restrictive practices only as per behaviour support plan.
  • RAC providers ensure all staff are trained in the support strategies outlined in the behaviour support plan.
  • RAC providers provide monthly reporting to NDIS Commission of all restrictive practices used.
  • RAC providers report any unauthorised use of restrictive practices to the NDIS Commission mat reportable incidents.
  • RAC providers monitor implementation of the participant's behaviour support plan, including recording information and collective data.
  • Behaviour Support Specialist monitors support plans annually.
  • RAC providers work with Behaviour Support Specialists and contribute to reviewing strategies in a participant's behaviour support plan.

7.2 High intensity daily personal activities

Some NDIS participants in RAC facilities may need supports to manage their complex health care needs, for example, complex bowel care, severe dysphagia management.

Where these supports are funded in a participant’s NDIS plan, RAC providers would need to comply with the relevant NDIS Practice Standard in Module 1 and related Quality Indicators.