Compliance and enforcement actions search

To make an informed decision about the providers or workers you employ or work with, you can search their compliance record to see if they have received any current or past compliance or enforcement actions. More information about the actions included in the search.

  • The search looks for individual, sole trader, trading names or company names.
  • Search for a business using a single word or partial word, as this may find spelling or name variations.
  • Search for a worker using first name or last name, not both.
  • If you've searched different possible spellings, action types or years and don't find any results, it's likely the provider or worker hasn't received any enforcement actions.

    • In force: Banning order - from 5pm 29 Jan 2025

      Rehana Ali Mohamed MEMON (MEMON)

      Auburn NSW 2144

      On 16 December 2024, a banning order issued against Ms. Rehana Memon on 18 January 2023 was modified under section 73ZO of the National Disability Insurance Act 2013, extending her current two-year ban to a permanent one.

      The Banning Order prohibits Ms Memon from engaging in the provision of management of NDIS supports, services or funding to people with disability in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), including but not limited to:

      1. Engaging in activities that a member of the key personnel of a NDIS provider would undertake, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services.

      2. Engaging in activities that would be undertaken by a consultant for a NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services.

      3. Engaging in activities that would be undertaken by an auditor for a NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services; and/or

      4. Engaging in activities in a non-service and non-support delivery role for a NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities have a direct effect on the provision of NDIS funded supports or services to people with disability in the NDIS.

      The permanent order takes effect from 5.00pm AEDT on 29 January 2025 and operates across all states and territories of Australia. 


    • In force: Banning order - from 5pm 17 Jan 2025

      WW Care Pty Ltd

      Prairewood NSW 2176

      On 6 December 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(1)(a) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting WW Care Pty Ltd from being engaged in the following NDIS activities, both directly and indirectly, including but not limited to:

      • engaging in the provision or management of NDIS supports, services or funding to people with disability in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS);
      • engaging in activities that would be delivering support and services to NDIS funded participants;
      • engaging in activities that would be provided by a consultant for an NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services;
      • engaging in activities that would be provided by an auditor for an NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services;
      • engaging in activities in a non-service and non-support delivery role for an NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities have a direct effect on the provision of NDIS funded supports or services to people with disability in the NDIS.

      This Order takes effect on 17 January 2025 from 5:00pm AEST and operates across all States and Territories of Australia. 

    • In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 17 Jan 2025

      WW Care Pty Ltd

      Prairiewood NSW 2176

      On 6 December 2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to WW Care Pty Ltd under sections 73P(1)(a) and 73P(1)(d) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013

      The revocation takes effect from 5:00pm AEST on 17 January 2025.

      Classes of support:

      • 102 Assist Access/Maintain Employ

      • 103 Assist Prod-Pers Care/Safety

      • 106 Assist-Life Stage, Transition

      • 107 Assist-Personal Activities

      • 108 Assist-Travel/Transport

      • 112 Assistive Equip-Recreation

      • 114 Community Nursing Care

      • 115 Daily Tasks/Shared Living

      • 116 Innovative Community Participation

      • 117 Development-Life Skills

      • 120 Household Tasks

      • 125 Participate Community

      • 128 Therapeutic Supports

      • 136 Group/Centre Activities

      Registration Group
      102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 103 assistive products for personal care and safety; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 112 assistive equipment for recreation; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 128 therapeutic supports; 136 group and centre‑based activities;

    • In force: Banning order - from 5pm 10 Jan 2025

      Nicholas (Nick) Pefkos

      Burdell QLD 4818

      On 16 December 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(i) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting/restricting Mr Nicholas (AKA Nick) Pefkos from engaging in the provision of management of NDIS supports, services or funding to people with disability in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), including but not limited to:

      1. Engaging in activities that a member of the key personnel of a NDIS provider would undertake, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services.

      2. Engaging in activities that would be undertaken by a consultant for a NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services.

      3. Engaging in activities that would be undertaken by an auditor for a NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services; and/or

      4. Engaging in activities in a non-service and non-support delivery role for a NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities have a direct effect on the provision of NDIS funded supports or services to people with disability in the NDIS.

      The banning order is in place for a permanent period effective on 10 January 2025 from 5:00 pm (AEDT).  

    • In force: Banning order - from 5pm 10 Jan 2025 - to 5pm 10 Jan 2035

      Assistive Disability Services Pty Ltd

      Wyong NSW 2259

      On 16 December 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(1)(b)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Assistive Disability Services Pty Ltd from engaging in the provision or management of NDIS supports, services or funding to people with disability within the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), including but not limited to: 

      1. Engaging in activities that an NDIS provider would undertake, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services; 

      2. Engaging in activities that would be undertaken as a consultant, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services;

      3. Engaging in activities that would be undertaken as an auditor for an NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services; and

      4. Engaging in activities in a non-service and non-support delivery role as a provider, to the extent that those activities have a direct effect on the provision of NDIS funded supports or services to people with disability in the NDIS.

      This order takes effect on 10 January 2025 at 5:00pm (AEDT) for a period of ten (10) years and operates across all States and Territories of Australia.

    • In force: Banning order - from 5pm 1 Jan 2025 - to 5pm 1 Jan 2027

      Ryan Nugara

      Dandenong VIC 3175

      On 17 December 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Ryan Nugara from being involved in the provision of supports or services to NDIS participants. The order prohibits Mr Ryan Nugara, from being engaged in the following NDIS activities:

      1. Provide or be involved or assist in the provision, to any NDIS Participant, of any support or supports under a Participant’s Plan.

      2. Provide or be involved or assist in the provision, to any NDIS Participant, of any service or services under a Participant’s Plan.

      3. Engage in any work or provide or perform any service or services (whether paid or unpaid), for or on behalf of any NDIS Provider, which may occasion any personal contact between you and a NDIS Participant. 

      This Order takes effect on 1 January 2025 at 5:00pm (AEDT) for a period of two (2) years and operates across all States and Territories of Australia.

    • In force: Banning order - from 5pm 1 Jan 2025

      Benjamin Carter

      Armidale NSW 2350

      On 11 December 2024 a permanent banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting Benjamin Carter from being involved in the provision of supports or services to NDIS participants.

      Specifically, the order restricts/prohibits Mr Benjamin Carter, from being engaged in the following NDIS activities:

      1. Provide or be involved or assist in the provision, to any NDIS Participant, of any support or supports under a Participant’s Plan;

      2. Provide or be involved or assist in the provision, to any NDIS Participant, of any service or services under a Participant’s Plan;

      3. Engage in any work or provide or perform any service or services (whether paid or unpaid), for or on behalf of any NDIS Provider, which may occasion any personal contact between you and a NDIS Participant.

      The banning order comes into effect 1 January 2025 from 5:00PM.

    • In force: Banning order - from 5pm 1 Jan 2025 - to 5pm 1 Jan 2026

      Shein Willie Aufa’i

      Smithfield NSW 2164

      On 17 December 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(b) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Mr Shein Willi Aufa’i from the following: 

      1.Provide or be involved or assist in the provision, to any NDIS Participant, of any support or supports under a Participant’s Plan and:

      2.Provide or be involved or assist in the provision, to any NDIS Participant, of any service or services under a Participant’s Plan;

      The banning order is in place for a period of one (1) year effective from 1 January 2025.

    • In force: Banning order - from 5pm 1 Jan 2025 - to 5pm 1 Jan 2027

      Joshua Sbresni

      Moore Park Beach QLD 4670

      On 11 December 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Joshua Sbresni from being involved in the provision of supports or services to NDIS participants.

      Specifically, the order restricts/prohibits Mr Joshua Sbresni, from being engaged in the following NDIS activities:

      1. Provide or be involved or assist in the provision, to any NDIS Participant, of any support or supports under a Participant’s Plan;

      2. Provide or be involved or assist in the provision, to any NDIS Participant, of any service or services under a Participant’s Plan;

      3. Engage in any work or provide or perform any service or services (whether paid or unpaid), for or on behalf of any NDIS Provider, which may occasion any personal contact between you and a NDIS Participant. 

      The banning order comes into effect 1 January 2025 from 5:00PM for a period of two (2) years. 

    • In force: Banning order - from 5pm 1 Jan 2025 - to 5pm 1 Jan 2027

      Lynette Peters (Morgan)

      Swansea NSW 2281

      On 16 December 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2(b) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Lynette Peters (Morgan) from being involved in the following NDIS activities: any activities that relate to the direct provision of NDIS funded supports and services to NDIS participants, including support coordination and plan management. 

      This Order takes effect on 1 January 2025 at 5:00pm (AEDT) for a period of two (2) years and operates across all States and Territories of Australia.