An independent government body is working to improve the quality and safety of services and supports funded through the NDIS. It is called the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, and one of its roles is to regulate to monitor providers and enforce the rules to keep everyone safe.
The NDIS Commission works alongside providers, offering guidance, resources, and support to help them meet their obligations. There is a code of conduct that applies to all providers of supports and services, and the NDIS Commission can check to ensure that everyone is doing the right thing.
So participants can trust that all supports and services will be held to the same high standards when it comes to safety and quality, no matter where they are in Australia.
If a complaint is made to the NDIS Commission they will listen and respond, and if the rules have been broken they will hold people accountable and take action.
With the NDIS Commission playing its part the standards of the whole industry will lift and be maintained, so I can play on knowing that my safety is being protected.